Untitled (Wild) _ Crop.jpg
Studio Portrait 2021 (Cowra Psinting background).jpg
Untitled (Elements).jpg
Framing (Scarred Rudges).jpg
Glover Prize 2021.jpg
studio (small work).jpg
Studio (Glover).jpg
in the home.jpg
Untitled (Gesture 02)_Acrylic on Linen, Framed in Oak_2021.jpg
sulman (front on).jpg
studio (light).jpg
Wynne 2021.jpg
Untitled (Copperhania Ranges).jpg
cross (cropped).jpg
ThomasThorby-Lister_'Dreamscape'_112 x 87cm_ Raw Linen and Acrylic_(Studio view).jpg
ThomasThorby-Lister_'Dreamscape'_112 x 87cm_ Raw Linen and Acrylic_(Framed).png
studio (stack from the back).jpg
grid (hang).jpg
grid (crop).jpg
Mapping Mountains (Lat:Long).jpg
pair (marker).jpg
Segment:Slice, 36x61, Heavy Weave Belguim Linen, 2020 (Detail).jpg
Segment:Slice, 36x61, Heavy Weave Belguim Linen, 2020 (Crop).jpg
untitled (elements)_Synthetic Polymer on Canvas_1.2x1.5m_2020.jpg_(sideprofile).jpg
drape detail.jpg
Thomas Thorby-Lister_'Enveloping Fold'_51 x 56cm_Raw Linen and Acrylic_ (Framed in Oak)_$1800.jpg
Thomas Thorby-Lister_'Enveloping Fold'_51 x 56cm_Raw Linen and Acrylic_(View).jpg
Thomas Thorby-Lister_'Untitled (Of Rivers And Valleys)'_82x56cm_Acrylic on Linen_View1.jpg
Thomas Thorby-Lister_'Untitled (Of Rivers And Valleys)'_82x56cm_Acrylic on Linen.jpg
Gentle Impact, 46 x 46, Acrylic on Linen, 2020.jpeg
WEB VERSION (Image1) Thomas Thorby-Lister.jpg
WEB VERSION (Image2) Thomas Thorby-Lister.jpg
Rolling Tide_76x88cm_Acrylic on Linen.jpg
ThomasThorby-Lister_Rolling Tide_76x88cm_Acrylic on Linen.jpg
Pillow Study 02 – NFS.jpg
Covered Monument, 51 x 61 cm, 20 x 24 inches, Raw Linen and Acrylic, 2020.jpg
Lined Linen, 48.5 x 58cm, 19 x 23 inches, Unprimed Linen and Acrylic, Framed – SOLD.jpg
Crushed Carton, 31 x 41cm, 12 x 16inches, Raw Linen and Acrylic, 2020.jpg
Curtain (Crop).jpg
Creases (Brushed).jpg
Pillow Study 01, 41 x41cm, 16 x 16 inches, Heavy Weave Belgium Linen and Acrylic, Framed, 2020.jpg
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